Willich (Duesseldorf)

ITC Logistic Ges. mbH
Linsellesstr. 97
47877 Willich 

Phone: +49 2154 815-5
Fax: +49 2154 815-999

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ITC Logistic Ges. mbH
Gutenbergweg 4
40699 Erkrath

Phone: +49 2104 1435-100
Fax: +49 2104 1435-101

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ITC Logistic Ges. mbH
Klosterhofweg 64
41199 Mönchengladbach

Phone: +49 2166 1268-0
Fax: +49 2154 815-999

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ITC Logistic Ges. mbH
August-Horch-Straße 7a
56070 Koblenz

Phone: +49 261 133794-0
Fax: +49 261 133794-20

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ITC Logistic Ges. mbH
Markgröninger Straße 36
71701 Schwieberdingen 

Phone: +49 7150 2093-0
Fax: +49 7150 2093-99

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SC ITC Logistic Romania SRL
Bucegi street, no. 3A, Brasov,County Brasov
Postal code 500053, Romania

Phone: +40 268 4060-23, 24
Fax: +40 268 4060-25

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SC ITC Logistic Romania SRL
Maior Gheorghe Sontu Street, No. 10-12
2nd Floor, Room 8, 1st District

Phone: +40 21 40800-67
Fax: +40 21 40800-69

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SC ITC Logistic Romania SRL
Calea Aviatorilor Street, No. 4
RO-307200 Ghiroda, Timis County

Phone: +40 256 2123-22
Fax: +40 256 2123-20

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Cluj Napoca

SC ITC Logistic Romania SRL
Nicolae Balcescu Street, No. Fn
RO-407035 Sat Apahida
Comuna Apahida, Cluj County

Phone: +40 264 257-396
Fax: +40 264 2573-97

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Timisoara 2

SC ITC Logistic Romania SRL
Olarilor Street, No.1
RO-400230 Timisoara, Timis County

Phone: +40 256 2123-22
Fax: +40 256 2123-20

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ITC Logistic Moscow
Partiyniy per 1/58
bld 2RU-115093 Moscow

Phone: +7 495 64448-35

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ТOO ITC Logistic East
110000, Республика Казахстан,
г. Кустанай, ул. Карбышева 2, офис 324-326

Phone: +7 714 228 22 72
Mobile: +7 707 668 65 88

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ITC srl
Via E. Torricelli 56/61
I-37137 Verona (VR)

Phone: +39 045 8620872
Fax: +39 045 8626079



ITC Trasconti srl
Via Tolemaide, 132
I-47922 Rimini (RN)

Phone: +39 0541 203911
Fax: +39 0541 681128

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ITC Roma srl
Via Dei Mandarini 3
I-00040 Pomezia (Roma)

Phone: +39 06 9147168
Fax: +39 06 91821012

ITC Logistic Ges.mbH
August-Horch-Str. 7a
56070 Koblenz
Tel: +49 261 133794-0
Fax:+49 261 133794-20 o. -40

ITC Logistic Ges.mbH
Linsellesstraße 97
47877 Willich-Schiefbahn
Tel: +49 2154 815-5
Fax:+49 2154 815-999

MDr: Helena Peters

Content Responsibility: Helena Peters

Administration: Logpoint 

Registergericht: Koblenz
Registernummer: HRB 24523
UST-ID-Nr: DE 120 495 525

Place of jurisdiction: Krefeld

Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen 2016 (ADSp 2016). Die ADSp 2016 beschränken in Ziffer 23 die gesetzliche Haftung für Güterschäden nach § 431 HGB in Höhe von 8,33 SZR/kg je Schadenfall bzw. je Schadenereignis auf 1 Mio. bzw. 2 Mio. Euro oder 2 SZR/kg, je nachdem, welcher Betrag höher ist, und bei multimodalen Transporten unter Einschluss einer Seebeförderung generell auf 2 SZR/kg.  Sie finden die vollständigen ADSp auf unserer Internetseite unter

We operate exclusively in accordance with the ADSp 2016 (German Freight Forwarders‘ General Terms and Conditions 2016).  These limit in Clause 23 ADSp the legal liability for damage to goods in case of damage to goods whilst in the care of a forwarder to 8,33 SDR/kg in accordance with Art. 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB); in the case of multimodal transports including sea transport it is generally to 2 SDR/kg. In addition the liability is limited to 1 million EUR per damage, respectively to 2 million EUR per event or 2 SDR/kg, whichever is the greater. You can find the complete ADSp on our website at

Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich. Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten. Alle Markennamen sind Warenzeichen bzw. eingetragene Warenzeichen der betreffenden Unternehmen.

Advice about liability: Despite careful control of the contents, ITC Logistic Ges. mbH does not accept any liability for the contents of third-party pages which can be reached via a link on the pages of www.itc-logistic.comThe operators of the linked pages are exclusively responsible for their contents.

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“The better the supplier knows the customer 
company with its objectives and difficulties, 
the better able he is to provide an optimal solution.” 

According to Treacy & Wiersema 
”The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow Your Focus, Dominate Your Market” (1995)

ITC Quality Principesuality Principes

  • We deliver quality
  • We deliver on schedule
  • We work with loyal and experienced employees, we constantly qualify
  • We are solidly financed
  • We are aware of the value of a personal service
  • We say what we do and we do what we say.

Our Focus

  • Worldwide Long-Term Cooperation with Partners
  • Development and Establishment of Logistical Concepts
  • Optimizing of Quality in Close Collaboration with Customers
  • Strategically, Future-Oriented Partnerships
  • Constant Growth
  • Reduction of CO2 Emissions (Green Logistics)


Absolute Proximity To The Customer

Our Vision:
  • We want to be the most reliable and the most innovative service provider, as well as the preferred supplier for our customers and partners.  
  • Every contact from customers or suppliers to ITC employees shall always be a positive experience.
  • Quality is a thinking process, not a method.  
Quality Assurance:

All employees of ITC Logistic Ges. mbH regularly take part in training sessions. These include advanced workplace-related training sessions, hazardous material- and customs workshops and also interdisciplinary topics as foreign language courses or time-, process- and customer management

  • 20% growth/year
  • internal and external satisfaction
  • 5% of the working hours are spent for trainings sessions to improve the employees’  time- and process management 
  • > 98% of the national and international shipments are delivered within the standard transit time at classic service level. 
  • 100% on scheduled delivery at service level Express 
  • 100% at Express 8.00 AM/10.00 AM/12.00 AM
  • 100% at service level "Exact Time" 
  • < 0,02% damages in transit/loading errors
  • < 0,5% returns/declined acceptances

Company History

At the time of establishment in 1975, ITC was mainly focused on customs clearance and consolidated cargo going to/from Italy, where ITC had several customs offices. 

Due to high growth in market demand, ITC expanded its transporting services in 1982 through the extension of new traffic relations. Since 1990 ITC has been covering the whole West-European territory and has been seeking for strategic investments in associated companies since the nineties. The restructuring process after the fall of the Iron Curtain has led to an extension of the logistic services, which have been continuously adapted to market needs. Currently the demand for efficient logistics systems throughout Europe has risen strongly. Today ITC focuses on total logistics solutions for telecommunications, electronics and automotive supply industries.

Company Development is still inseparable from market development. The Company owns a security warehouse including video surveillance, radio data transmission systems and several interfaces to customer systems. The certified SAP-interface is particularly important. Every employee of ITC Logistic Ges. mbH is continually taking part in internal and external professional trainings. This includes further work-related training measures like regular seminars on dangerous goods, customs on one hand and measures for general use like foreign language courses, time, process and customer management on the other.

ITC's transport services include 32 daily European regular standard transport lines and direct link to main hub, which belongs to the most innovative and environmentally-friendly distribution systems. This facilitates nationwide, overnight deliveries. 150 partners worldwide ensure a trouble-free procedure for sea freight, airfreight and trade fair.

ITC Group is continuing its international expansion. To be able to act in a controlled manner worldwide, ITC is not just seeking for strategic investments in associated companies but also extending Company Network. There is a strategic interest in building up branch offices in the emerging countries and having a constructive customer loyalty. Therefore the branch office of Romania was built to optimize the direct factory supply of one of the largest automotive suppliers in the world.